Wanted: relatives of Eugene L. Hoeding and Earl K. Plummer

Eugene L. Hoeding and Earl K. Plummer

Eugene L. Hoeding and Earl K. Plummer are two soldiers who are buried in the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial (in Dutch: Amerikaanse Begraafplaats Margraten). This is a Second World War military war grave cemetery, located in the village of Margraten, 10 km (6.2 mi) east of Maastricht, in the most southern part of the Netherlands. The cemetery, the only American one in the Netherlands and dedicated in 1960, contains 8,291 American war dead.

Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial - Amerikaanse Begraafplaats Margraten - photography: Robert Castermans

Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial – Amerikaanse Begraafplaats Margraten – photography: Robert Castermans

Wanted: relatives of Eugene L. Hoeding

A brother of mine (Ronald Castermans) and I (Robert Castermans) have adopted the grave of the American soldier Eugene L. Hoeding / Eugene Lawrence Hoeding: PLOT N, ROW 1, GRAVE 16, RANK Corporal, SERIAL # 20366790, UNIT 1 111th Field Artillery Battalion, UNIT 2 29th Infantry Division, STATE VA, AWARDS Silver Star / Bronze Star / Purple Heart. Eugene L. Hoeding did D-day; he was on Omaha Beach. Eugene L. Hoeding died in the vicinity of Dürselen in North Rhine-Westphalia (in German: Nordrhein-Westfalen) in Germany on February 28, 1945. Eugene L. Hoeding was born in North Carolina in 1919. Eugene L. Hoeding resided in Norfolk City, Norfolk County (1691-1963, defunct), Virginia, United States of America. His father: Laurence B. Hoeding, his mother: Mamie I. Hoeding, his sister: Virginia D. Hoeding. We would like to get in touch with the relatives of Eugene L. Hoeding. Are you a relative of Eugene L. Hoeding or do you have more information about Eugene L. Hoeding, please contact us via the page Contact.

grave of Eugene L. Hoeding - photography: Robert Castermans

grave of Eugene L. Hoeding – photography: Robert Castermans

Eugene L. Hoeding - Dear Eugene L. Hoeding, thank you very, very, very much for helping to liberate Europe during the Second World War, you are great, RIP - photo source: Eugene Brown (nephew)

Eugene L. Hoeding – Dear Eugene L. Hoeding, thank you very, very, very much for helping to liberate Europe during the Second World War, you are great, RIP – photo source: Eugene Brown (nephew)

Wanted: relatives of Earl K. Plummer

An acquaintance of ours, Leo Debeij, has adopted the grave of the American soldier Earl K. Plummer: PLOT N, ROW 1, GRAVE 15, RANK Private First Class, SERIAL # 35728787, UNIT 1 247th Engineer Combat Battalion, STATE IN, AWARD Purple Heart. Earl K. Plummer died in Germany on April 4, 1945. He was born in Haddon, Sullivan County, Indiana on September 10, 1916. Earl Kenneth Plummer was from Princeton (429 E. Ohio St.), Gibson County, Indiana, United States of America. His mother: Odessa M. (Bedwell) Plummer, his sisters: Lillie M. Plummer and Ruby Plummer, his brother: Joe B. Plummer, his wife: Effie M. Plummer. Leo Debeij also wants to get in touch with the relatives of Earl K. Plummer. Are you a relative of Earl K. Plummer or do you have more information about Earl K. Plummer, please contact Leo Debeij via the page Contact.

grave of Earl K. Plummer - photography: Robert Castermans

grave of Earl K. Plummer – photography: Robert Castermans

Earl K. Plummer - Dear Earl K. Plummer, thank you very, very, very much for helping to liberate Europe during the Second World War, you are great, RIP - photo source: Fields of Honor (database): A Face to Every Name

Earl K. Plummer – Dear Earl K. Plummer, thank you very, very, very much for helping to liberate Europe during the Second World War, you are great, RIP – photo source: Fields of Honor (database): A Face to Every Name

graves of Eugene L. Hoeding and Earl K. Plummer and other graves in Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial – cinematography: Robert Castermans